Why Do You Need a Website?

What Can a Website Do?

First and foremost my fellow researchers, let’s talk about why you need a website. What can a website do for you?

Well, it can actually do a lot for you. I want you to imagine real quick. Think about how people are shopping these days. And I don’t just mean buying a plunger. I’m also talking about getting haircuts, finding restaurants, realtors, the works. How are people doing this?

Are they just driving down the road looking at business signs and billboards?

Are they seeing commercials on the TV?

Or, are they doing a Google Search on their smart phone?

Today, people are so used to searching for services and products on their phone. There is a reason why we all do it. We want to find the best deal, the best rated business, closest location, etc. We want to make sure that we’re spending our money wisely, and getting the most bang for our buck.

But what happens when people search for your restaurant, or salon, or law firm and no website is to be found? That’s lost business.

Think about your website not as a place that has your logo and a picture of your office building. Think about your website as a salesman. That’s what your website is. Your 24/7 salesman that works round the clock making sure that you are getting customers even when you’re eating dinner with your family.

Benefits of a Website

There are so many benefits that I mentioned already in the previous section, but I would like to touch on a few points that give you that extra leg up.

Gives Your Business Credibility

This is an important one. People don’t trust a business if they can’t see anything or research it. You know how many times I have looked for a plumber and all I get is a Yelp page with a phone number? Too many times. Do you know how many times I’ve tried looking up a menu for a restaurant and they don’t have a menu online? Or pictures of their food? I would like to see who I’m working with, what I would be buying, what I would be ordering, what they have done. How can you be credible if you are invisible?

Search Engine Optimization

I’ve heard of this…. what is this exactly??

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is how Google, Yahoo, Bing (who uses Bing?) index your website. This is important because this is where people can find you.

There are tools to get you indexed on these platforms. Google is the most popular, obviously. Google does not just have Search. They have Maps, Reviews, Ads, YouTube and more. Google has a suite of marketing tools that most people don’t know they have. What do they have in common? Communicate with each other. The more you use these products, the more Google will bump you up the first page result. Bias baby! Thus getting more business.

Look at you being a credible business with a website, Mr. Fancy Pants.

Free Marketing

People are researchers. They want to know about your business. This is free marketing. People will find you when they are searching. And there are tools (that we can help with, wink wink) to get you more business leads.

Your website is also a great way for people to get to know you as a company. Show them the cool things you do to support your community. Show them your team and their pretty smiles. This is a great way to drum up some free marketing.

Crush the Competition

If you have a website and your competition doesn’t, who do you think will get more business? After everything we just talked about. Who do you think will get more business? The person who can be found on the internet, or the person who has a billboard on the highway?

Getting a Website

Okay, well how do I go about getting a website?

We can help! We are Web Managers and Digital Marketers. We work with the most commonly used, customizable, award-winning website platform. WordPress. WordPress allows you to have an e-commerce store, generate leads, blog, post content and so much more.

Contact us today to talk about your website needs, or view our pricing here.